
This section will take you through setting up the project. There are instructions for setting up locally (Local setup) or by using Codespaces (Codespaces setup).

Opening the Repository

First, you’ll need a GitHub account since we’re going to be forking the repository (any possibly using Codespaces). You can sign up here if you don’t have an account yet.

Next, you can navigate to the repository:


Before we do anything, let’s fork the repository. This way, we can make and push any changes we like.


Local setup

If you want to develop the engine locally, you just need to have Rust installed. Here are some instructions to do that:


We’ll need to run these commands in the terminal to set Rust up for development.

# Install toolchain
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

# Install trunk
cargo install trunk

Codespaces setup

Next, let’s open the project in Codespaces. Once it gets to the “setting up your codespace” screen, it might take a bit before it loads into the VS Code interface.